So I was searching through google images to find the perfect match of how i feel at work.
All I found were those typical cashier photos where the cashier is smiling and is all happy doing his job.
But we all KNOWWWW that is NEVERRR the case!!!
I always hated how cashiers were always rude and unfriendly to the customers...when I was on the purchasing end of the equation.
But as the saying goes "Before you can judge someone you must first spend a day working behind their register!"....or some shit like that!
There are so many negative aspects of being a cashier....As if minimum wage wasnt bad enough...
I could deal with making no money but I CANT tolerate the DISRESPECT!
When you are a cashier no one one respects you...Not your MANAGERS!....Not your CUSTOMERS!...Not even your fellow cashiers who have more experience! Shit I dont even get respect from Cashiers with less experience!!
MANAGERS- MAKE YOU DO WHAT THEY WANT, WHEN THEY WANT, HOW THEY WANT IT....they will pretend to listen and give a f*ck about what you have to say but they really don't! So i treat em da same!
CUSTOMERS- ACT LIKE THEY ARE ALWAYS RIGHT and choose to Belittle YOU because...they feel that "oh this nigga is a cashier he dont know shit!" --Well Correction "THIS NIGGA IS A College Junior who will one day be making more money den yo bitch ass! and will probably f*ck yo daughter when shes 20! :-D"
CO-Workers- think just because they have more experience that they are better than you!! You've been a cashier for 15 years and you think that's an accomplishment!?! F*ck ouTta here!
So that guy you see up there is me!! (except I'm slightly darker, smaller nose, nappier hair, no bow tie, use a touch screen register....ehhhh you get the fuckin point) But i put up a front and smile because I have made friends and those friends depend on me t come to work and make their miserable shifts a lot more enjoyable!
Am I a fucking clown!?!?!....Nope sometimes I'm a cashier!! sometimes I'm a student!! sometimes I'm @Swag101!!.....I AM STANLEY....ALL THE TIME!